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Upcoming events

    • 2025-02-27
    • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
    • CNRL - Home Oil Tower 18 Floor / Virtual
    • 198


    Data is the new currency.

    It's an expression that is being used quite a bit of late, but it is very relevant in discussing the importance of data and the methodologies by which we manage it. And like any currency, how we manage it determines its true value. Like any currency, it can be managed wisely, or it can be managed foolishly. It can be put to good use, or it can be squandered away. The question is what factors determi
    ne the path that we take? How do we properly manage this asset and realize its full value and potential?

    Data monetization is not about turning data into money. Instead, it's about taking information and turning it into opportunity. It's about the need to understand the real meaning of data to extract value from it. And it's about achieving this objective through a partnership with business and technology. In Monetizing Data Management, Peter demonstrates how true value can be realized from our data through improved data-centric approaches.


    Peter Aiken, PhD is an acknowledged Data Management (DM) authority, an Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, President of DAMA International, and Associate Director of the MIT International Society of Chief Data Officers.

    For more than 35 years, Peter has learned from working with hundreds of data management practices in 30 countries including some of the world's most important. Among his 12 books are the first on CDOs (The Case for Data Leadership), focusing on data monetization, modern strategic data thinking and objectively specifying what it means to be data literate. International recognition has resulted in an intensive schedule of events worldwide. Peter also hosts the longest-running data management webinar series hosted by Dataversity.

    Starting before Google, before data was big, and before data science, Peter has founded several companies that have helped more than 200 organizations leverage data–specific savings have been measured at more than $1.5B USD. His latest venture is Anything Awesome.

    LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED - Registration is Required.
    Thank you to CNRL for providing the meeting facility.

Past events

2024-12-19 December Social for Calgary
2024-12-19 Managing Information as an Asset
2024-11-21 Using ML for Climate Science, and the importance of Data management
2024-10-17 Data Governance Renaissance - Stories and Real Strategies in Operational Data Quality
2024-09-19 Building the Data Ecosystem to Scale AI
2024-07-25 DAMA Calgary AGM 2024
2024-06-20 Show me your Architecture: Hockey Canada
2024-05-16 Data Self Service for Data Democratization
2024-03-21 Documents, Databases, Knowledge Graphs, LLMs and Their Common Roots in Natural Language
2024-02-21 CDMP Study Group Winter/Spring 2024
2024-02-15 Your Data is Exposed - 5 Cloud Application Security Risks
2024-01-18 Strategic Digital Transformation: Empowering your Cloud Journey through Data Intelligence
2023-12-14 Wind Energy Digitalization, Opportunities and Challenges for Optimization and Operational Excellence
2023-11-16 My Journey of Digital Transformation as a Non-Data Scientist/Business User
2023-11-04 DAMA Days Canada - Calgary CDMP Exam
2023-11-02 DAMA Days Canada - Calgary
2023-11-02 DAMA Days Canada - Regina
2023-10-19 Good Data, Bad Information
2023-09-21 What is Data Centricity and Why moving to Data Centric Architecture will save your Business
2023-07-20 Semantic journeys: The present status and future vision of the Fortune 500
2023-06-22 A Data Management Endeavor
2023-05-18 What makes a good standard?
2023-04-20 AMA - Ask Me Anything
2023-03-16 How to Build An Analytics Team: The SaskEnergy Analytics Story
2023-02-16 Demystifying Digital Transformation in Oil and Gas
2023-02-15 CDMP Study Group Winter/Spring 2023
2023-01-19 Azure Data Lake and Warehouse Architecture
2022-12-15 Calgary December Social
2022-12-15 Regina December Social
2022-12-15 Digital Twin; The Biggest Data Management-Driven Digital Transformation Opportunity in Oil and Gas Today?
2022-11-17 Evolution of Data Delivery
2022-10-20 DAMA Days Canada 2022
2022-09-15 Innovation Journey at SaskPower
2022-07-21 Deliver an Enterprise-Class Reporting Platform
2022-06-23 AMA - Ask Me Anything
2022-05-19 “Data Strategy” with Dr. Peter Aiken
2022-04-28 Data and Movement Informatics for "Cooperative Truck Platooning Systems" - A Trial
2022-03-17 The National Information Exchange Model
2022-02-23 CDMP Study Group Winter/Spring 2022
2022-02-17 AI Ethics & Data Dilemmas
2022-01-20 Data Literacy - What it is and why we need it
2021-12-16 DAMA Calgary Virtual Christmas Gathering (Sask.)
2021-12-16 DAMA Calgary Christmas Gathering
2021-11-18 Bringing Unstructured Data to the Data Party
2021-10-21 How to Use a Faceted Business Glossary Graph to Improve Intranet Search
2021-10-13 CDMP Study Group 2021
2021-09-16 AI Governance – An Implementation Use Case
2021-08-19 Blockchain for the DBA & Data Professional
2021-07-15 Telling your data Story with Scott Taylor
2021-07-15 Annual General Meeting
2021-06-17 Considering the Cloud with Simon Pane
2021-05-20 DAMA Edmonton presents - Insurance Fraud with Joseph Paul, Peace Hills Insurance
2021-04-15 Data Strategy with Samir Sharma
2021-03-25 Data Security - assuring protection for your data sources & data flows from internal and external actors.

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